Calling all Equestrians! Do you long to have your horses on your property, so that when you wake up they are the first things you see? Seasonal water for your pets. Do you want fresh eggs? No HOA’S! Want all these things and still in close proximity to everything? Look no further! This property has all that and more! Entertain and relax outside by your seasonal stream. Primary house is a custom high-quality build. Has an apartment (1516 sq. ft.) for Mom or you can rent out. Beautifully landscaped, with custom rocks, and a rock firepit. Large Shop 24×40 (Built by Clearly Corp.) with Drive-thru Bays. The 10-Ton Pro-Car lift is included. Shop has separately metered power and gas as well as gas heat. Are your dogs pampered pets? Dog run in shaded and heated. There’s much more…..Garden Beds, Fruit Orchard with 17 Fruit trees and trees for shade. HOME WARRANTY INCLUDED!!!!